Travel Habits To Maintain Health and Wellness

Travel Habits To Maintain Health and Wellness Springfield MO

Travel Habits to Maintain Health and Wellness

Summer is such a busy time filled with vacations, trips to visit family, and if you have kids, bouncing from place to place with sports activities.  So, how do you stay healthy when you are traveling?  

First, don’t throw out all the normal health and wellness routines.  Try to keep as many of your healthy routines in place as you travel.  This isn’t always easy, or even possible, but the more of your routine you keep in place the more successful you will be at staying healthy.

Second, make sure you eat “real food”.  Don’t settle for Denny’s or McDonald’s because its more convenient.  Take the time to seek out restaurants that will have simple foods on their menu.  This can be more easily achieved with a little prior planning.   Do your research of the area(s) you will be traveling and make a list of restaurants you want to eat at.  Look for opportunities to get “real food” containing protein and plenty of vegetables.  Salads and/or salad bars are a great way to get healthy food while traveling and an easy way to put together a dairy and gluten free meal.

Another great tip for healthy traveling is to always pack an emergency snack bag.  If traveling by car, throw in a cooler with some of your favorite snack items.  Dry goods like nuts and seeds are great to keep on hand, but don’t forget some fresh foods like celery, carrots and radishes.  Other foods that travel well are; apples, berries, pomegranates and avocados. When traveling by plane, nut butters, grass-fed jerky, some fruit, kale chips, nuts and seeds are all great options.

Exercise and relaxation time are also key factors to healthy travel.  Again, try to maintain you exercise habits on the road.  Prior planning may also help with this as you may look for locations to work out whether its visiting a gym or just finding a nice park or neighborhood for a run.  To relax, find time for a sauna or massage.  These will both help your body stay strong and balanced even with your normal routine shifted.

Last, but certainly not least, pack your supplements to help boost your immune system and keep you balanced.  Vitamin D, vitamin C and a multivitamin are must-haves when traveling.  Not only do they stimulate your immunity, but they help with adrenal fatigue.  Melatonin is also a good one to pack as it will help your body to rest and recover while on the road.  If you can plan ahead, a vitamin injection can give your immune system a giant boost before you ever leave town.  Not to mention the increase in energy you will gain for your upcoming trip.

So, if you’re getting ready to hit the road to visit family or jump on a plane to some exotic paradise, follow these tips to make your trip is healthy and happy.  If you need to stock up on supplements, need a vitamin infusion, or looking for more recommendations on how to supplement, give us a call or come by to speak to one of our professionals.




Keri Sutton - RN, MSN, ANP-C, AGPCNP-BC

Keri is a Nurse Practitioner and founder at Kare Health & Wellness. Keri's pursuit of personal answers to her own health issues landed her in the top of Functional Medicine. As she utilized functional Medicine to get her own health and life back, she made it her life's work to bring this empowering form of healthcare to as many people as she can.

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