Healthy Travel and Vacation Diet Plans

Healthy Travel and Vacation Diet Plans

Healthy Travel and Vacation Diet Plans Springfield MO

Healthy Travel and Vacation Diet Plans

With the summer vacation season right around the corner, we are frequently asked about healthy dieting advice while on vacations or traveling in general. And although taking a vacation can be a nice break from reality, taking a vacation from your healthy diet plans can be very hard to recover from. There are several steps you can take to ensure that you’re taking care of your body while having fun in the sun or spending hours in the car on that road trip.

Eat real food. Do research before you travel. Take note of where the Whole Foods Market is in the town you are visiting or passing through. Why ruin your vacation with gas, bloating or fatigue from eating foods high in saturated fats? There are usually lighter options or salad options on most restaurant menus. You could even involve your family in your good food choices by including a trip to the farmer’s market on your vacation itinerary.

Prepare with healthy options. Carrying a cooler with you is the perfect way to pre-plan healthy snack options like celery or snap peas. You can also pack dry goods like nuts to snack on while you are traveling. Keeping healthy options handy like apples, berries and pomegranates is a fun way to keep you from stopping for a deep fried, diet busting snack.

Supplement wisely. Taking supplements to keep you strong and help prevent infections and adrenal fatigue are highly recommended. Vitamin D is used for immune function and promotes overall well-being. Vitamin C supports connective tissues such as ligaments, tendons and joints. A multivitamin recharges cellular energy production and provides key micronutrients to optimize daily nutritional intake. Making sure to keep up with your vitamin intake while on vacation is a key way to stay energized and healthy while having fun and can aid in the rest and relaxation process as well.

Intermittent fasting. By incorporating time restrictions into your eating schedule, you are employing a strategized way to miss meals. This method is often recommended to patients who are resistant to weight loss. You basically create a 16 hour windows of fasting time and stimulate the benefit of fasting, namely speeding up metabolism to burn more fat. Several studies have shown this to be an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. If fasting in this way, remember to make the calories you consume count. Include lots of colorful veggies and high quality protein.

Bottom line is that taking a vacation can be a lot of fun, but taking a vacation from a healthy diet can cause health inconveniences that are easily avoidable. By making smart choices, incorporating healthy foods into your travels, and planning ahead, you can keep your body in optimal shape for days of fun!

Come by our office before heading out on a trip to stock up on the essential vitamins needed to keep you running. KARE Health and Wellness carries Orthomolecular products which are pharmaceutical grade supplements that noticeable enhance patient health.

Keri Sutton - RN, MSN, ANP-C, AGPCNP-BC

Keri is a Nurse Practitioner and founder at Kare Health & Wellness. Keri's pursuit of personal answers to her own health issues landed her in the top of Functional Medicine. As she utilized functional Medicine to get her own health and life back, she made it her life's work to bring this empowering form of healthcare to as many people as she can.

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