September 2022 Specials – Boost Immune System

Are your seasonal allergies back in full force? Let’s face it. If your sinuses are acting up, you just can’t function like you normally do. Fall weather is lovely, however it can present a few challenges. Warm temperatures and high winds at the tail-end of Summer can kick up pollen more than usual.

Weed allergens are also at an all-time high during this time. The most common are ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, and tumbleweed among others. Mold is another major factor. Fall leaves are pretty and fun for kids to rake up and jump into. But when it rains, water collects in the leaf piles and mold will grow.

These days, when every sneeze generates dirty looks and the fear that it might not just be seasonal allergies, don’t let the season of pumpkin spice lattes set you back. Here are some natural supplements that can help neutralize the effects that environmental allergens can have on you and help boost your immune system in Springfield Missouri.

These Natural Supplements Are 10% Off This Month


Natural D-Hist is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. Natural D-Hist includes quercetin, a powerful flavonoid, to support healthy histamine levels.

Bromelain enhances the absorption of quercetin and supports mucosal tissue health. Stinging nettles leaf balance hyper-immune response and N-acetylcysteine clear the airways by promoting normal viscosity of mucus. This powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation.

40 or 120 count. Also available in convenient blister packs.


Optimal sinus health requires adequate mucus flow and clearance throughout the nasal cavities. The sinuses are hollow cavities branching from the nasal passages. While the nasal passages are often colonized with bacteria, the sinuses are typically sterile under healthy conditions.

The sinuses and nasal passages are lined with soft tissue, called mucosa, that feature thin, hair-like projections called cilia. Specialized cells of the mucosal tissue, known as goblet cells, secrete a thin layer of mucus to absorb microbes and allergens, such as dust, dirt, pollen, and mold, inhaled through the nose. Working together, cilia “beat” to move mucus and waste out of the sinuses and nasal passages.

Upper respiratory challenges may impair this process, known as mucociliary clearance, and contribute to fluid entrapment within the sinus cavities. Sinatrol contains a synergistic blend of nutrients and botanical ingredients to quickly boost immune response, decrease mucus build-up and increase mucociliary clearance during upper respiratory challenges.

Sinatrol is a unique nutrient and botanical formulation providing effective support for upper respiratory challenges. Standardized botanical extracts and nutrients support sinus health by reducing the viscosity of mucus, clearing airway passages, and promoting nasal microbial and inflammatory balance. Also available in convenient blister packs.

N-Acetyl Cysteine

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that boosts antioxidant function and is commonly used as an agent to help clear sinus and airway congestion caused by mucus overproduction. NAC is a source of the conditionally essential amino acid L-cysteine and is a precursor to the tripeptide glutathione, an essential intracellular antioxidant, and therefore supports antioxidant and cellular detoxification pathways in the body.

In addition, a growing body of research also highlights the role of NAC in supporting neuropsychiatric health. Each capsule of N-Acetyl Cysteine provides 500 mg of this versatile amino acid.

N-acetyl cysteine is one of the few antioxidants found to raise glutathione levels. Glutathione is an important antioxidant used in many different metabolic processes within the body. Maintaining adequate levels is important to maintaining the health of the respiratory, hepatic and immune systems.

It is also important in supporting antioxidant protection of lipids and proteins and supporting the normal response to inflammation. Glutathione is not well absorbed by the body when taken orally, so it can be difficult to sustain adequate glutathione levels.

NAC has been shown to significantly increase glutathione levels. NAC is also capable of reducing the viscosity of mucous and is also used to support respiratory and pulmonary health.


InflammaCORE is an advanced nutritional formula built to address immune challenges, maintain normal inflammatory balance and strengthen gastrointestinal barrier function. InflammaCORE is an all-natural, fructose-free formula featuring 19 g of easy-to-digest brown rice protein per serving and soothing, flax-based fiber. In addition, InflammaCORE provides high amounts of L-glutamine and glycine, amino acids crucial for intestinal reinforcement and mucosal cell regeneration. InflammaCORE is available in vanilla chai, chocolate mint, and strawberry flavors.

Inflammation is a natural part of the body’s immune response, a cascade triggered to protect the body and maintain normal tissue repair. Acute inflammation is the body’s initial response to harmful stimuli in which plasma and immune cells are relocated from the blood into injured tissues. This movement is followed by a cascade of biochemical events which advance the normal inflammatory response. When inflammation is prolonged, it leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue. It is essential to maintain normal inflammatory balance to achieve optimal health.

IgG Protect Powder

IgG Protect Powder is a highly concentrated (40%) immunoglobulin G (IgG) formula that provides essential nutrition for improved immune health. IgG Protect Powder’s pure and high-concentration formula provides improved immune modulation and strengthens the gut-immune barrier.

Consistency in potency and purity of colostrum extracts is a primary concern for clinicians; advanced filtration and purification techniques make IgG Protect Powder a superior clinical tool. IgG Protect Powder provides 2,000 mg of IgG and 4 g of protein per serving.

SBI Protect

  • Provides Concentrated Immunoglobulins to Enhance Mucosal Immunity
  • Helps Maintain Microbial Balance
  • Supports GI Barrier Health and Integrity
  • Helps Maintain Normal Inflammatory Balance

SBI Protect is the only purified, dairy-free source of immunoglobulin G (IgG) available as a dietary supplement. Serum-derived bovine immunoglobulins (SBI) provide the highest IgG concentration available for GI and immune challenges where allergens are a significant concern.

Pure IgG helps to maintain a healthy intestinal immune system by binding a broad range of microbes and toxins within the gut lumen. SBI Protect provides 1,150 mg IgG in a four-capsule serving.

G.I. Detox

G.I. Detox is a new upgraded binding formula that supports enhanced clearance of endotoxins, metals, and xenobiotic compounds. Removal of debris and toxins is essential when restoring microbial balance to the G.I. tract. These binding agents are especially integral to protocols using Biocidin. It assists in cleansing and detoxification and assists in biofilm removal.

In addition to our supplement specials, we also have the following specials in September.

Weekend Warrior Lifestyle Drip $20 Off

Our Weekend Warrior IV Drip has all of the vitamins and minerals needed to support you in whatever adventure your weekend may bring.

It provides an immune system boost, enhances exercise performance, supports healthy brain function, improves your mood, decreases inflammation, jump-starts the body’s detoxification process, and even helps maintain proper hydration. Book Online Here

Super Immune Therapeutic IV $20 Off

Our Super Immune IV Drip is equipped with all of the vitamins and minerals you need to feel confident in your health and wellness.

It not only boosts your immune system, it also improves bone health, supports thyroid health, fights fatigue, reduces inflammation, and even jump-starts your body’s detoxification process.

Specialized hydration formula, created using a unique blend of vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants and more. This IV bag includes a dose of Glutathione for detoxing.

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Our mission is to transform lives by inspiring hope, empowering our patients and encouraging wellness to prevent, and ultimately cure, disease.

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