Infrared Sauna

Healing With Healthy Heat

Although saunas have been popular for centuries, they are not often thought of for treatments in traditional medicine.  Traditionally, saunas have been unbearably hot, steamy rooms in which breathing can be difficult.  But the saunas of today have technologically evolved from the harsh, 200°+ rooms they originated from to a soothing, healthy heat

New Infrared technology brings forth a therapeutic treatment that is not only relaxing but also clinically shown beneficial for your health. These infrared saunas also help eliminate toxins, further supporting the healing process.  

What is Infrared?

Infrared wavelengths are the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum consisting of near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR) and far-infrared (FIR) rays.  These rays have the ability to penetrate human tissue.  This characteristic makes infrared light beneficial because it heats the body directly at the core rather than simply warming the air resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where the majority of toxins reside.

Infrared heat is completely safe and healthy for all living things.  You can be exposed to infrared light for hours without the risk of burning.


Cabinet-Sauna-Info-Picture Infrared Sauna in Springfield Missouri
Solo-Dome Infrared Sauna in Springfield Missouri

Not all Infrared Technology is Equal

Solocarbon® is the only infrared sauna heater using far-infrared (FIR) technology that is clinically shown to raise core temperature nearly 3 degrees. 

The most advanced infrared therapy available is Solocarbon 3-in-1 infrared treatments.  The infrared spectrum consists of near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR), and far-infrared (FIR) waves, each with distinct characteristics and health benefits.  Infrared Sauna Therapy at Kare Health & Wellness offers all three peak wavelengths for the maximum therapeutic results.


Cabinet Infrared Sauna

Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and carcinogenic heavy metals accumulate in the body during modern daily life. Studies have shown that FIR raises core body temperature stimulating the sweat glands resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat.  Our full-spectrum infrared sauna generates a sweat seven times more detoxifying than a traditional sauna.

Pain Relief

Cabinet Infrared Sauna

MIR can help to expand blood vessels and increase circulation allowing more oxygen to reach injured areas of the body resulting in reduced pain and a faster healing process.  A NASA study using NIR heat, also determined that LED technology allows for deep penetration of tissue and increased cell growth from the inside reducing inflammation.

Weight Loss

Cabinet Infrared Sauna

Our saunas help you lose weight by detoxifying the body and burning calories while you relax in total comfort. During a sauna weight loss session, core temperatures increase. Using an infrared sauna increases heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, burning more calories, leading to more weight loss.



Heart Health

Cabinet Infrared Sauna

Our far-infrared saunas, because they raise your heart rate and increase circulation, replicate a cardiovascular workout, which we term “passive cardio.” Your heart is a muscle and working it makes it stronger. A stronger cardiovascular system helps capillaries deliver more oxygen to cells in your muscles. For people with injuries or conditions that preclude them from cardio activity, our saunas can help serve as an alternative for needed cardio benefits.

Natural Anti- Aging

Cabinet Infrared Sauna

Near infrared (NIR) light therapy is the science of photobiomodulation which uses invisible, near infrared wavelengths between 700 and 1,200 nm (nanometers) to deliver energy to cells. NIR is the shortest wavelength and penetrates the skin’s surface more effectively than mid or far infrared. Scientific research shows NIR promotes skin renewal, cell health and tissue growth. Rejuvenate and purify your skin, tone the texture of skin and reduce the appearance of acne scars.


Cabinet Infrared Sauna

Our saunas deliver the most therapeutic infrared sauna heat per square inch (up to 99% efficient), so that you can be enveloped in soothing warmth to help you relieve stress, ease your muscles and fully relax. We've designed this experience to be the purest form of relaxation. Practicing mindful meditation while in a sauna therapy session can also help with mental stress reduction. Relax and reduce your mental stress with infrared sauna as part of your new wellness routine.



Open Monday - Friday

Begin Your
Online Booking Experience

Our Infrared Saunas are available to both patients and guests,
13 years of age and up!

Phone-Sauna Infrared Sauna in Springfield Missouri

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