Jennifer Passanise, FNP-C

Family Nurse Practitioner

Jennifer’s journey to wellness, over the last 27 years, has been as a holistic patient advocate in search of root based healing. Over the last 18 years her focus has been as a mother, building knowledge of the body, mind and spirit for herself, her patients and her family.  As she has learned more about the avenues of medicine and healthcare, she has realized the missing link to healing is more than conventional medicine has taught her.  Through her life experiences, she has made wellness a priority. As a yoga student and instructor for over 25 years and a community volunteer and advocate, she brings new insights to caring for her patients.  Her love of children has been evident as her life has brought her from psychiatric pediatrics, to school nursing, working with a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, teaching at a university level, while being totally involved in raising and nurturing her two teenagers, which is what she is most proud of.  

She is more than a nurse practitioner, she loves her children and family, she enjoys music, gardening and spending time outdoors with her 90 pound white Labrador.  She likes making pottery on her pottery wheel, water and snow skiing, playing tennis with her family and helping others find their fullest healthiest potential in healing from the inside out.

She is passionate about helping others find resources and knowledge to improve their livelihood and find inner peace and connection to healing.  She is committed to partnering with families and children to empower them to find their own journey towards wholeness and wellness. She is abundantly thrilled and blessed to start her journey with pediatrics at Kare Health and Wellness and looks forward to where her future path may lead.


  • Missouri State University, Springfield Missouri – Master of Science in Nursing
  • Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield Missouri – Bachelor of Science in Nursing



  • Functional and Integrative Medicine
  • Integrative Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Neurosurgery

Professional Affiliations: 

  • Great Circle Boys and Girls Town, Advisory Board Member
  • Community Advisory, Board Member (MSU Care Clinic)
  • Villages in Progress, Board Member

Community Service:

  • St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital / Springfield Missouri / Volunteer
  • Junior League of Springfield – Isabel’s House / Springfield Missouri

About Us

Our mission is to transform lives by inspiring hope, empowering our patients and encouraging wellness to prevent, and ultimately cure, disease.

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