The Benefits of Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy

Many of our patients are in search of alternative options to surgery or prescription medications and the medical field continues to evolve to meet those needs. While traditional medicine might not move as quickly to offer advanced therapies, functional medicine providers are more willing to embrace new and developing technologies when they are showing truly effective outcomes.

What is Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy?

Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is one of the most interesting and promising treatments in modern medicine. This technique allows photosensible substances (photosensitizers) to be “activated” deep within the body.

When photosensitizers are exposed to a specific wavelength of light, they produce active oxygen radicals that can destroy targeted cells. Each photosensitizer is activated by a light of a specific wavelength. This wavelength determines how far the light can travel into the body.

These photosensitizers are very specific in binding to the targeted malignant or other diseased or infectious cells within the body. In layman’s terms, we are using different colors of lights to tell our cells what to do.

There is a wide range of applications for Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy that include viral/bacterial/parasitic infections, cancer, chronic pain, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases (MS, Parkinsons, Dementia), Tinnitus, depression/anxiety, allergies, autoimmune disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, and sports performance.

Using Photodynamic Laser Therapy for Cancer

Most commonly used to fight cancer, Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy has shown the potential to become integrated into the mainstream treatments for cancer.

A photosensitizer is typically administered into the bloodstream through an IV and absorbed by cells all over the body, residing specifically in cancer cells longer. The photosensitizer in the tumor absorbs the light and produces an active form of oxygen that destroys nearby cancer cells.

In addition to directly killing cancer cells, Intravenous Laser Photodynamic Therapy appears to shrink or destroy tumors in two other ways. The photosensitizer can damage blood vessels in the tumor, thereby preventing the cancer from receiving necessary nutrients. PDT also may activate the immune system to attack the tumor cells. PDT has also shown success in treating bacterial, viral and parasitic infections.

How It’s Administered and Absorbed

The light used for PDT comes from a laser directed through fiber optic cables and delivered to areas inside the body. Intravenous Laser Therapy enables the application of laser light directly into the bloodstream by using a special catheter technology.

From outside the body it is very difficult to apply sufficient laser power into deep tissues due to the barrier function of the skin. Weber Medical designed special fiber optic light guides (Weberneedle Lasercath) and cannulas that allow laser light to be brought directly into the bloodstream, interstitial compartments and joints.

Keri-Red- Benefits of Laser-Photodynamic-Therapy-Springfield-MissouriUsing this new approach of intravenous, interstitial and intra articular laser therapy, a patient’s therapeutic results are improved significantly. Green, blue and yellow lasers, which are typically absorbed at the skin surface can now deliver their cellular and anti-inflammatory effects into deep tissue layers. The laser light stimulates circulation of blood cells and stem cells.

The Weberneedle Endo Laser for administering Intravenous Laser Therapy utilizes different colors of laser light: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Ultraviolet and Infrared. Each color of light requires a specific photosensitizer and then produces different positive effects in the body through the bloodstream.

Your total blood volume can be irradiated by a specific color in only 16 minutes. Various laboratory tests and clinical data show that the irradiation of blood cells can trigger a number of positive effects.

Exposure time of intravenous laser therapy is generally 60-90 minutes. A course of ten treatments is recommended. Treatments are usually administered 2-3 times per week but can be done daily if needed.

Using Photodynamic Laser Therapy for Covid-19

The effects of Photodynamic Therapy on SARS-CoV-2 virus have been tremendous. A study done by Dr. Michael Weber, of the Laser Therapy and Research Center in Germany, showed drastic improvements in patients who were positive for Covid-19. In Dr. Weber’s study, he treated Covid positive patients with Riboflavin (B2) as the photosensitizer and UV light through Photodynamic Therapy.

The results of the study showed that 100% of the patients treated with Riboflavin and PDT showed dramatic improvements in clinical symptoms and viral load within 5 days. Of those treated with Riboflavin and PDT, 70% tested negative for Covid-19 after 5 days of treatment. All of these patients had tested positive prior to beginning these treatments.

At Kare Health & Wellness, we have developed a special Covid unit where we are offering HOPE for those in need of treatment and recovery. Our experience, knowledge and highly trained staff are here to serve anyone in need of treatment.

Effective Colors used in Photodynamic Laser Therapy

Red Laser light has energizing effects, increases ATP production, strengthens the immune system, increases cell activity, regenerates damaged tissue structures, improves blood viscosity and circulation, stimulates metabolism, relaxes muscles and calms nerves, reduces cholesterol levels.

Green Laser light increases oxygen uptake and delivery to the whole body, improves the function and behavior of red blood cells, reduces pain caused by inflammation and swelling, reduces lactic acid, activates tissue repair, improves glucose metabolism, and improves circulation.

Andy-Blue Benefits of Laser-Photodynamic-Therapy-Springfield-MissouriBlue Laser light improves microcirculation by Nitrogen Oxide release, increases immune function and stem cell production, has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, accelerates wound healing, supports pain relief, has anti-aging effects such as lengthening telomeres and increasing biogenesis of mitochondria, reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels,

Yellow Laser light has antidepressant effects by enhancement of vitamin D and serotonin production, improves anxiety and panic attacks, is effective against chronic (viral) infections, has strong antibacterial effects, aids in detoxification, and has a positive influence on hormones and metabolism.

Ultraviolet Laser light improves the overall immune function, stops replication and destroys fungi, viruses, and bacteria, improves circulation, increases oxygen absorption into body tissues, and improves the body’s ability to detoxify and remove toxins.

If you, or someone you know is looking for an effective alternative treatment for any of these conditions, consider using PDT. By eliminating side effects, using holistic treatments and effective nutrients, the results we are seeing is undeniable.

From Cancer to Covid, Photodynamic Laser therapy has proven to be one of the most effective treatments available.

Keri Sutton - RN, MSN, ANP-C, AGPCNP-BC

Keri is a Nurse Practitioner and founder at Kare Health & Wellness. Keri's pursuit of personal answers to her own health issues landed her in the top of Functional Medicine. As she utilized functional Medicine to get her own health and life back, she made it her life's work to bring this empowering form of healthcare to as many people as she can.

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