Our Current Specials – Natural Supplements Springfield MO

Our Current Specials

During the month of October, we are running two great specials to help you reduce pain and inflammation and monitor your overall health.

Our Current Specials - Pain Relief - Natural Supplements Springfield MO




Inflammation is a part of the human body’s immune response. This response is a first line defense that helps protect and maintain normal tissue repair. This is mediated by eicosanoids (a signaling molecule), that has been shown to balance inflammation, and cytokines. Traumeric is one of the top anti-inflammatory natural supplements which provides all natural ingredients that support healthy inflammatory cycle and balances eicosanoid and cytokine metabolism. This results in decreased pain and inflammation.

For the month of October, we are running a 10% off special on Traumeric.

Boston Heart Lab

Boston Heart Lab is a comprehensive lab test. This lab examines your Cholesterol including good and bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It also examines your specific particles within your good and bad cholesterol looking for indicators of an increased risk of Coronary Artery Disease. It will determine how your body absorbs cholesterol and how you process fats. Pre-diabetes testing, genetic testing, liver function, kidney function, muscle function, homeocysteine, thyroid function, fatty acid balance and vitamin D levels can also be assessed with Boston Heart Lab. Once the labs are complete, you’ll need to return to our office for a full review of your lab results and discussion of what actions we may recommend to take.

For the month of October, we are offering free lab draws for a Full Boston Heart Lab (regularly $20).

About Us

Our mission is to transform lives by inspiring hope, empowering our patients and encouraging wellness to prevent, and ultimately cure, disease.

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