Beat The Winter Blues With Homeopathic Medicine
When there’s an extended round of cold, dreary weather, it’s easy to get down in the dumps. Even the sunniest people get their fair share of the winter blues. It’s not easy to remain bouncy and bright with frigid air, gray skies and sharp winds. Fortunately, there are ways to make the dark days seem a little less so. Your friends at Kare Health & Wellness’ want to share our best tips for homeopathic medicine in Springfield Missouri that help you finish out the Winter months and emerge ready for Spring.
Anything you can do that makes your body feel good, short of drugs or alcohol or over-indulging on unhealthy foods is worth doing. Activities that make your body feel good release your body’s store of natural mood boosting endorphins. To tap into them, indulge in a massage, hit the steam room, or book an infrared sauna session at a local spa. Regular exercise and laughter are also pleasurable activities for your body that get your endorphins flowing.
The Power Of Sunshine
Your body is thirsty for sunshine, so give it daily “sips” to help boost mood and energy until the winter blues season tails off mid-April. Full spectrum light bulbs help boost energy and mood, while being easier on your eyes. Though not a sun replacement, they’re a good way to supplement it when daylight is in short supply. Use them in areas where you want to feel a bit more alert – like your office, kitchen, or living room, not your bedroom.
Shake It Off
Tired? Groggy? Grumpy? Shake it off! Shake each limb of your body for a few seconds each, one at a time. This will wake your body up and get energy flowing again. For an added boost to combat the energy fall, stretch and move your body first thing when you wake up in the morning.
Stay Sober
Despite all the sad songs, you cannot drink the blues away so don’t try. Keep alcohol intake to an absolute minimum, particularly in winter. Cocktails, wine, and beer multiply the winter blues, depress mood, disrupt sleep, and bomb you with energy and immunity zapping sugar. Outsmart the season by staying sober through it.
Laughter Really Is Great Medicine
Laughter makes blood pressure and stress levels dip, aids the release of feel-good endorphins, and boosts feelings of well-beings. Make time to hang out with upbeat, fun-loving people whose company you truly enjoy.
Natural Supplements
Since the sun is in short supply at this time of year, try taking some of natural supplements including 5,000 IU/day of Vitamin D to help keep brain chemistry and neurotransmitter action at optimal levels.
Feel free to combine these suggestions for maximum results.