Immune Conditions


Replace Over-The-Counter Cold Medicine With Functional Medicine in Springfield Missouri

The Kare Plan

  • Initial consultation with a provider
  • Comprehensive medical assessment
  • Advanced diagnostic lab work
  • Nutrition education and recommendations
    • Discuss options for food testing and how to translate results into lifestyle changes.
  • Nutritional Supplement Recommendations
    • We'll assess those you're already taking and then make our recommendations on our pharmaceutical-grade supplements that will help repair damage and restore balance.
  • Recheck diagnostic lab work periodically to monitor progress or make adjustments to propel you towards wellness.

Common Immune Conditions

Celiac Disease
Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Advanced Diagnostic Testing

The Antinuclear Antibody Test (ANA Test) indicates whether there is a chance of the individual suffering from an autoimmune condition. If the test is positive further testing can help us identify the exact cause of symptoms.

The Rheumatoid Factor test can help diagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis and measures the specific RF antibody in a sample of blood. Those with a high concentration of RF are likely to have an active case of Rheumatoid Arthritis but it may also indicate Sjögren’s syndrome.

When addressing immune conditions, we give additional consideration to nutrition and food choices as a means of treatment. By identifying and removing certain inflammatory foods from a person's diet, we begin to regain control over symptoms and flare ups.


Ready To Transform Your Health? We Can Help!

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One of our New Patient Coordinators will connect with you within 24-48 business hours.

You can also call us at 417-881-4994 to request information. If you have questions or would like more information, you can reach out New Patient team at

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Proud to be the Premiere Functional Medicine providers for Springfield and beyond.

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About Us

Our mission is to transform lives by inspiring hope, empowering our patients and encouraging wellness to prevent, and ultimately cure, disease.

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